Omni-Path 100
Cornelis powers HPC solutions that help solve the world’s toughest problems.

Cornelis Omni-Path Express
Cornelis Omni-Path Express delivers low latency and high message rate, the foundations for application performance and scalability.
Cornelis Omni-Path Express supports a broad range of middleware and frameworks including Intel MPI, Open MPI, MPICH, MVAPICH2, SHMEM, GASNet, TensorFlow, and many more.
Through its highly-optimized OpenFabrics Interfaces implementation, Cornelis Omni-Path Express delivers support for a broad array of application environments with industry-leading performance for our end-users’ mission-critical workloads.
Cornelis Omni-Path Express delivers exceptional performance for a wide array of HPC applications, including computational fluid dynamics, computational chemistry, molecular dynamics, genomics, financial risk modeling, computer aided engineering, weather predictions, seismic imaging, and many others.